Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You SNOOZE you lose.. literally.

Hello Hello Hello,

Last night I thought I would be smooth and set my alram clock earlier than I usually do, this way I could get in a morning run [great way to wake up the senses, right?] Not so much. Instead, this is how it went down.
1.ALARM! [at approximately 6:00 am]
2.snoooze. [Tell myself I'll lay here until I figure out what I'm going to wear]
3. sleeeeeeep.
4.Mom asking if I have work today. [at approximately 8:40 am]
5. MINOR FREAK OUT SESSION! [at approximately 8:41 am]
6. Drag my butt out of bed to call the boss. [who was ever so kind might I add]
7. Worky work time. [at approximately 9:15, you know.. only an hour and fifteen minutes late. No biggy]

Anywho that's how my morning went.
But enough of Debby Downer!

Tonight I'm meeting up with a dear friend, that I have yet to catch up with since he's been home from the "Land Down Under" [ahem. Australia] and "World Cup 2010" [South Africa, mates!] I'm pretty stoked to say the least. It shall be a good time indeed.  We may or may not hit up a local coffee shop {tea time for me, yummm}.

Which reminds me! If any of my fellow bloggers are in the neighborhood [pennsylvania?? Amish-land??] then you should definitely hit up the Prince Street Cafe they have the most amazing food (vegetarian to meat lovers), delectable desserts (faaaavorite), and tea/coffee to die live for [Peach Mango Tea, may be a personal fav]. And it's a super chill place to catch up on life with friends, plus listen to some live music.

Check it!
Courtesy of Prince Street Cafe

1 comment:

  1. ahh i always push the snooze button one too may times!
    and i seriosuly need that clock! so cute! and i'm never on time! haha!
    peach mango tea? YUM!!!

    just got your email and i'll be emailing you super soon!

