Wednesday, July 21, 2010

{ten} things on my 'Can't Wait' List

1. To meet the man of my dreams

--Alright, so it might not be James Franco, but a girl can dream right?..Right??

2. To continuosly unveil the Lord's plan for my life.

{my vintage slr pentax}

3. To start creating my own fashion masterpieces [or master-failures--at least in the beginning, I'm a novice at this people!]

4. To finally watch [500] Days of Summer after it's long awaited return to the library

5.To travel the world

6. To actually start and finish a journal-- customized with my own doodles and such

7. To live with no fears and live the spontaneous life that I was created for.

8. To bake a delectable batch of chocolatey chocolate brownies this evening.

9. To move in/decorate/love life in my [future] home

10. Being frugal long enough to save for a legit camera
{moi vintage pentax}

11. To grow old and be the wisest of them all--according to the kiddos of course
12. To some day in my life see John Mark McMillan in concert

--Peace and blessings to all, and to all a good day.

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